Some children learn best by rote, in structured environments with high certainty and strict discipline. 在非常稳定和严格的纪律构成的环境里,有的孩子是靠死记硬背学习的。
However, unless a very strict discipline is maintained, there will very soon be a gap, or disconnect, between the models and the code. 然而,除非维护一个非常严格的规程,否则不久将出现模型和代码之间的缺口,或断路。
But the biggest challenge may come from adapting to the strict discipline and hierarchy. 但最大的挑战可能在于如何去适应严格的纪律和上下级制度。
Rigid training and strict discipline has turned them into a formidable fighting force. 严苛的训练和严格的军规把他们变成了一支令人望而生畏的武装力量。
For instance, every day, young army recruits are faced with very strict discipline from the drill sergeants. 例如,年轻的新兵每天都要面对训练官的严格纪律要求。
Life in the camp, not surprisingly, is one of strict discipline. 军营生活纪律严格是不足为奇的。
So, human's success depends on strict discipline. 所以说,人类的成功发展离不开严明的纪律。
The Contractor shall maintain strict discipline and good order among the contractor's and subcontractor's personnel, and shall not permit any engagement in activities which the Company deems to be contrary or detrimental to its interests. 承包商对其人员及分包商人员应纪律严明,保持良好秩序,并且不得允许从事任何业主认为有悖于其利益或对其利益不利的活动。
Interaction Design is still a strict discipline. 也就是说,交互设计仍然是一门严格的学科,而不是文学创作。
A pup can't take strict discipline, punishments or stress. 一只幼犬还不足以承受严格的纪律、惩罚和压力。
A school as such should be famous for its teaching, its sports and games, and its strict discipline. 一个像这样的学校,必须在教学、运动、球戏、及严格纪律训练等等方面,能够著名。
One is irregularity, that is, decentralization, lack of uniformity, absence of strict discipline, and simple methods of work. 一方面是非正规性,就是不集中、不统一、纪律不严、工作方法简单化等。
Great importance is attached to developing students'political ideology, strict discipline, comprehensive qualities, and practical caliber. 学院高度重视对学生政治思想、纪律作风、综合素质和实践能力的培养。
The government is fully committed to the maintenance of the linked exchange rate system, which is a cornerstone of Hong kong's monetary and financial stability, and to the strict discipline of the currency board arrangement under that system. 联系汇率制度是香港货币与金融稳定的支柱,政府致力维持联汇制度,并严格遵守货币发行局的规则。
He imposes strict discipline on team members. 他给自己的队员们强加了一些严明的纪律。
It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. 它使革命队伍失掉严密的组织和纪律,政策不能贯彻到底,党的组织和党所领导的群众发生隔离。
A good character is formed by strict discipline. 好的性格是靠严格的纪律培养起来的。
The programs offered incorporate the strong work ethic, strict discipline, memorization skills, and drive for excellence developed over a millennium in China's educational system. 枫叶教育体系结合了勤奋治学,严谨自律,注重记忆技巧以及事争一流这些从中国千年教育体系传承的精髓。
It is understood that strict discipline is good for a student. 大家都知道,严格的纪律对一个学生来说是有好处的。
A boarding school with strict discipline. 有严格纪律的寄宿学校。
Because we shared common ideals, we had strict discipline. 有了共同的理想,也就有了铁的纪律。
Most parents try to steer a middle course between imposing very strict discipline and letting their kids run wild. 大多数父母试着在推行严格的纪律和任由孩子撒野之间找到折衷的方法。
Its officers enforced strict discipline, yet had no rank. 它的军官纪律严明,却没有军衔。
The army must maintain strict discipline and allow no laxity. 军队非讲纪律不可,纪律松弛是不行的。
Military schools are known for their strict discipline. 军事学校以严格的纪律闻名。
Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits. 新兵受到严格的训练。
Conversely, to be genuinely open, a society must be maintained with a fair and just rule of law along with strict discipline. A stronger electoral mandate will let PiS finish the job. 相反的,一个真正开放的社会,必须要有公平的法治与严格的纪律。一份更为强硬的选举委任状将促使法律公正党完成其治国使命。
The team needs strict discipline to make the team probity and the decree unblocked, so as to complete the punishing crime and protecting people tasks. 作为一支半军事化管理的队伍,需要有严明的纪律确保队伍的廉洁,确保政令警令畅通,以更好地完成惩治犯罪、保护人民的重任。
Based on the policy of high starting point and strict discipline, our company has been continuously expanding since it was founded in2003. 公司自2003年创办成立,本着高起点,严要求的方针,得到不断发展。
That's why I place such emphasis on the need for high ideals and strict discipline. 我特别强调有理想、有纪律,就是这个道理。